Dynamic animated graphical gauge meter jquery plugin
Dynamic animated graphical gauge meter jquery plugin-
An elegant and dynamic animated graphical gauge meter built with jQuery. GaugeMeter.js
is highly customizable and includes full-radial, semi-radial & arch dials. GaugeMeter.js is a versatile jQuery gauge plugin which takes advantage of HTML5 canvas to render animated gauge meters and dials with plenty of customization options.
- Just one script, there is no dependencies.
- Built-in themes.
- HTML5 renders the Canvas content without images.
- Add custom text & label.
- Support for any page size and page color.
- Configure via data attributes, object properties on call or default settings.
- Update via jQuery call.
Include the following jQuery & JavaScript Code, CSS and HTML code to render a minimal form of the GaugeMeter.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <script src="GaugeMeter.js"></script> |
Basic Implementation. The code below is all you will need to render a basic gauge meter with 40 indication.
<div class="GaugeMeter" id="GaugeMeter_1" data-percent="40"></div> |
Add CSS on page for styling GaugeMeter
.GaugeMeter{ Position: Relative; Text-Align: Center; Overflow: Hidden; Cursor: Default; } .GaugeMeter SPAN, .GaugeMeter B{ Margin: 0 23%; Width: 54%; Position: Absolute; Text-align: Center; Display: Inline-Block; Color: RGBa(0,0,0,.8); Font-Weight: 100; Font-Family: "Open Sans", Arial; Overflow: Hidden; White-Space: NoWrap; Text-Overflow: Ellipsis; } .GaugeMeter[data-style="Semi"] B{ Margin: 0 10%; Width: 80%; } .GaugeMeter S, .GaugeMeter U{ Text-Decoration: None; Font-Size: .5em; Opacity: .5; } .GaugeMeter B{ Color: Black; Font-Weight: 300; Font-Size: .5em; Opacity: .8; } |
Initialize the plugin to render a minimal form of the GaugeMeter.
$(document).ready(function(){ $(".GaugeMeter").gaugeMeter(); }); |
Below is a list of all the optional parameters, see the Parameter Definitions for more details on how to utilize these data attributes.
<div class="GaugeMeter" id="GaugeMeter_1" data-percent="10" data-used="256" data-total="1024" data-size="200" data-prepend="$" data-append=".00" data-theme="Red-Gold-Green" data-color="Blue" data-back="Silver" data-width="2" data-style="Semi" data-stripe="2" data-animationstep = 0 data-animate_gauge_colors="1" data-animate_text_colors="1" data-label="VISA Card" data-label_color="#FF0000" data-text="Spendings" data-text_size="0.22" data-fill="#FFFFFF" data-showvalue=0 ></div> |
See live demo and download source code.
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Mictronics. Visit their official github repository for more information and follow for future updates.