40+ jQuery CSS PreLoader

jQuery CSS PreLoader – Are you looking for jQuery CSS PreLoader, If yes then in this post I am going to share hand-picked jQuery CSS PreLoader for you. preloaders (also known as loaders) are what you see on the screen while the rest of the page’s content is still loading. Preloaders are often simple or complex animations that are used to keep visitors entertained while server operations finish processing. You can use these jQuery CSS PreLoader in your next web based projects.

jQuery CSS PreLoader

Following are the list of jQuery CSS PreLoader.



Covers the entire screen, great if you want to hide @font-face fout — by mimoYmima.com

PreLoadMe, a lightweight jQuery website preloader DEMO

 PreLoadMe, a lightweight jQuery website preloader

PreLoadMe is a lightweight preloader for any webcontent. Powered by jQuery and CSS it is fully responsive and will run on all modern desktop- and mobile browsers with no additionals plugins. PreLoadMe displays a loading animation until the browser fetched the whole webcontent and will fade out the moment the page has been completely chached. Because the simplicity of PreLoadMe, it can be easily customized and adapted to your needs.

Hexagon Preloader DEMO

 Hexagon Preloader

A preloader as it is in use on http://melaniedaveid.com. I love the fact that it can change its dimensions by simply changing the font size.

Materialize Preloader DEMO

 Materialize Preloader

Preloading animation with velocity.js and CSS3 transitions DEMO

 Preloading animation with velocity.js and CSS3 transitions

Just a preloading animation, didn’t saw much of them here on Codepen, so I was thinking why not create one ?

Material Design Preloader DEMO

 Material Design Preloader

A CSS only solution that recreates the Material Design preloader; or, who needs jQuery anyway? You should set aria-busy to false when your stuff is loaded.

Flat Preloader (keyframes demo) DEMO

 Flat Preloader (keyframes demo)

Tried to improve Jack Rimell’s demo code at http://jackrimell.co.uk/how-to-create-flat-preloaders-in-css-using-keyframes-part-one/.

Gallery prototype DEMO

 Gallery prototype

CSS3 fluid gallery that loads (and preload) external content (a JSON file) using Javascript.

Sample Preloader DEMO

 Sample Preloader

Testing a basic static page preloader.

Preloader DEMO


Preloader DEMO


Rotating Circles Preloader – SCSS DEMO

 Rotating Circles Preloader - SCSS

A beautiful Preloader with rotating circles. Pure CSS.

Animated Preloader Collection DEMO

 Animated Preloader Collection

Having fun with CSS Keyframes to build some preloaders.

Material Preloader DEMO

 Material Preloader

A jQuery plugin that recreates the Material Design preloader (as seen on inbox).

New Preloader DEMO

 New Preloader

Simple Preloader DEMO

 Simple Preloader

Our current animated preloader at benchmark

Google Inspired CSS Preloader DEMO

 Google Inspired CSS Preloader

Simple Google inspired CSS preloader. Updated: Now uses SCSS Mixin for Vendor Prefixes Follow me on Twitter

The Cube Preloader DEMO

 The Cube Preloader


CSS preloader DEMO

 CSS preloader

A simple css preloader

Preloader DEMO


Simple animated preloader test with CSS animations

Preloader DEMO


SVG Preloader used on www.staak.co.uk

CSS Preloader DEMO

 CSS Preloader

Pure CSS simple preloader.

Preloader SVG animation DEMO

 Preloader SVG animation

A preloader done without any JS. Follows a motion path with the use of animateMotion. Offsetting the plug was done by duplicating the motion path, shifting the path data. This managed to offset the starting point of the duplicated motion path.

Video Preloader DEMO

 Video Preloader

This was made for a Video / Image / Text page to preload videos… videojs(‘placeholder’).on(‘loadeddata’, function() {

GSPreloader DEMO


A fun, pure JS preloader that is completely customizable. Only requires GSAP’s TweenLite and CSSPlugin (or just TweenMax which has both).

Preloader DEMO


Preloader Page – Preloader HTML

Simple Perspective preloader DEMO

 Simple Perspective preloader

Credit goes to Roque Ribeiro from cssdeck

Image Preloader Progress Bar DEMO

 Image Preloader Progress Bar

Progress bar with changeable skins showing page load percentage

Preloader with Bootstrap Progress Bar DEMO

 Preloader with Bootstrap Progress Bar

Show the progress bar when loading.

Sequence Preloading Indicator DEMO

 Sequence Preloading Indicator

The default preloading indicator for Sequence.js v2: http://www.sequencejs.com/

CSS preloader! DEMO

 CSS preloader!

Earth preloader DEMO

 Earth preloader

Preloader for a weather web app I made http://rachouanrejeb.be/weather

Sun preloader DEMO

 Sun preloader

Quick preloader in CSS.

Rainbow preloader / spinner DEMO

 Rainbow preloader / spinner

Experimenting with sass maps, loops and css3 stuff. I can’t remember where I saw the inspiration for this. It was a gif somewhere and was slightly more awesome.

Animated Circle Stripes Preloader – SCSS DEMO

 Animated Circle Stripes Preloader - SCSS

A beautiful Circle Stripes Preloader made in CSS. You can change colors, stripes count, size and time easily. Please check SCSS options on top.

CSS Animated Pie Preloader DEMO

 CSS Animated Pie Preloader

A beautiful 3D Pie Preloader made in pure CSS.

jQuery: Website Preloader GIF DEMO

 jQuery: Website Preloader GIF

preloader-gif DEMO


Responsive pageloader DEMO

 Responsive pageloader

A simple preloader that you can customize easy with the Less variables. Uncomment the Javascript and you are ready to role.

CSS Text filling with water DEMO

 CSS Text filling with water

A text filling with water animation, for preloaders and such.

Simple Half Circle Preloader – CSS DEMO

 Simple Half Circle Preloader - CSS

Very simple, yet good looking preloader made purely in CSS. As its very light weight, just show it behind an image, it will look like its showing until image is loaded. No JS needed.

Vue.js page preloader DEMO

 Vue.js page preloader

Pulsating circle preloader DEMO

 Pulsating circle preloader

Simple white circle pulsating on a black background, to be used as a preloader.

CSS Preloader Animations DEMO

 CSS Preloader Animations

An ever-growing collection of CSS preloader animations.

Preloader.jS DEMO


Create your own preloader for your website. Simple, fast and customizable!

Party Preloader DEMO

 Party Preloader

A preloader concept filled with confetti. In case you need to preload something particularly festive.

Pulse Preloader ( SCSS ) DEMO

 Pulse Preloader ( SCSS )

SCSS Preloader using a single element

SaferSystems preloader DEMO

 SaferSystems preloader

Gooey preloader for SaferSystems.com Initially forked from Lucas Bebber’s svg goo effect demonstration

I Hope you liked Hand-picked list of jQuery CSS PreLoader, Don’t forget to Subscribe My Public Notebook for more useful Hand-picked HTML and CSS code examples, tutorials and articles.