20+ React Datepicker Examples – Codepen / Github
React Datepicker – Are you looking for React Datepicker Component / Libraries , If yes then in this post I am going to share hand-picked React Datepicker Exmaples for you which we have collected form codepen and github. You can use these React Datepicker in your next web based projects.
React Datepicker
Following are the list of popular React Datepicker examples from codepen site.
React DatePicker Demo –
React DatePicker Demo script made with HTML / CSS / JS and pen By Jochen Berger.
React Datepicker –
React Datepicker script made with HTML / CSS / JS and pen By Joe Maffei.
React DatePicker Demo –
React DatePicker Demo script made with HTML / CSS / JS and pen By Dmytro Kozlov.
React Calendar –
React Calendar script made with HTML / CSS / JS and pen By Leith.
A Pen by Jochen Berger –
A Pen by Jochen Berger script made with HTML / CSS / JS and pen By Jochen Berger.
React DatePicker Demo –
React DatePicker Demo script made with HTML / CSS / JS and pen By Daniel.
Following are the list of popular React Datepicker examples from github site.
S.No. | Name | Details | Popularity(Likes) |
1 | react-datepicker | A simple and reusable datepicker component for React | 5.6k |
2 | react-dates | An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web | 11.4k |
3 | react-native-datepicker | react native datePicker component for both Android and IOS, useing DatePikcerAndroid, TimePickerAndroid and DatePicke… | 2k |
4 | m-date-picker | React Mobile DatePicker(web & react-native) | 377 |
5 | react-datepicker2 | react datepicker component.(include persian jalaali calendar) | 195 |
6 | react-modern-calendar-datepicker | A modern, beautiful, customizable date picker for React | 563 |
7 | react-mobile-datepicker | ? ? look a demo, Please imitate mobile environment. | 258 |
8 | react-day-picker | Reusable date picker component for React | 4.1k |
9 | react-datepicker | An easily internationalizable, accessible, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web, build with styled-components. | 252 |
10 | react-calendar | React.js Calendar Component (npm install react-calendar-component) ? | 142 |
11 | semantic-ui-calendar-react | Datepicker react component based on semantic-ui-react components | 240 |
12 | react-simple-datepicker | Simple datepicker for React. | 120 |
13 | react-native-wheel-datepicker | Android & iOS iOS-style Picker & DatePicker Components for ReactNative | 57 |
14 | react-native-modern-datepicker | A customizable calendar, time & month picker for React Native (including Persian Jalaali calendar & locale) | 238 |
15 | react-persian-datepicker | A Persian date-picker component for react.js | 171 |
16 | react-infinite-calendar | ✨ Infinite scrolling date-picker built with React, with localization, range selection, themes, keyboard support, and … | 3.7k |
17 | react-google-flight-datepicker | React date picker inspired by Google Flight | 270 |
18 | react-datepicker | ? React DatePicker Library (Flexible, Reusable) | 166 |
19 | react-native-calendar-datepicker | React-Native cross-platform, calendar component. | 84 |
20 | react-native-range-datepicker | react native range datepicker inspired by Airbnb | 65 |
21 | react-native-date-picker | React Native Date Picker is an inline datepicker for Android and iOS. It includes date, time and datetime picker mode… | 782 |
22 | react-semantic-ui-datepickers | Datepickers built with Semantic UI for React and Dayzed. | 67 |
23 | react-advance-jalaali-datepicker | An advance Jalaali (shamsi, persian) datepicker containing multiple datepicker types such as, range datepicker | 60 |
24 | react-native-datepicker-modal | React Native DatePicker Modal Component for iOS/Android | 45 |
25 | react-input-enhancements | Set of enhancements for input control | 1.4k |
26 | react-jalali-datepicker | React component that helps you to makes simple Farsi/Jalali/Shamsi date picker | 89 |
27 | react-datez | An easy to use, customizable mobile-friendly datepicker. | 122 |
28 | a-react-datepicker | A datepicker for React. | 36 |
29 | react-calendar | React datepicker component | 25 |
30 | rnkit-actionsheet-picker | React Native ActionSheetPicker component for iOS + Android | 60 |
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