Vue Credit Card Form For Payment checkout page

In this post I am going to share simple credit card form script for payment page for making payment via credit card. You can use this simple vue credit card script to make final payment form where user need to inter their credit card details. This is fancy credit card form script make with vueJs

Vue Credit Card Form For Payment checkout page


Card Holder
Full Name

See on GitHub



@import url(",500,600,700|Source+Sans+Pro:400,600,700&display=swap");
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.slide-fade-right-leave-active {
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new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data() {
    return {
      currentCardBackground: Math.floor(Math.random()* 25 + 1), // just for fun :D
      cardName: "",
      cardNumber: "",
      cardMonth: "",
      cardYear: "",
      cardCvv: "",
      minCardYear: new Date().getFullYear(),
      amexCardMask: "#### ###### #####",
      otherCardMask: "#### #### #### ####",
      cardNumberTemp: "",
      isCardFlipped: false,
      focusElementStyle: null,
      isInputFocused: false
  mounted() {
    this.cardNumberTemp = this.otherCardMask;
  computed: {
    getCardType () {
      let number = this.cardNumber;
      let re = new RegExp("^4");
      if (number.match(re) != null) return "visa";
      re = new RegExp("^(34|37)");
      if (number.match(re) != null) return "amex";
      re = new RegExp("^5[1-5]");
      if (number.match(re) != null) return "mastercard";
      re = new RegExp("^6011");
      if (number.match(re) != null) return "discover";
      return "visa"; // default type
        generateCardNumberMask () {
            return this.getCardType === "amex" ? this.amexCardMask : this.otherCardMask;
    minCardMonth () {
      if (this.cardYear === this.minCardYear) return new Date().getMonth() + 1;
      return 1;
  watch: {
    cardYear () {
      if (this.cardMonth < this.minCardMonth) {
        this.cardMonth = "";
  methods: {
    flipCard (status) {
      this.isCardFlipped = status;
    focusInput (e) {
      this.isInputFocused = true;
      let targetRef =;
      let target = this.$refs[targetRef];
      this.focusElementStyle = {
        width: `${target.offsetWidth}px`,
        height: `${target.offsetHeight}px`,
        transform: `translateX(${target.offsetLeft}px) translateY(${target.offsetTop}px)`
    blurInput() {
      let vm = this;
      setTimeout(() => {
        if (!vm.isInputFocused) {
          vm.focusElementStyle = null;
      }, 300);
      vm.isInputFocused = false;

See live demo and download source code.


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